V.25 bis Autodialer
Modem 3600 11-7
Request List of Stored Numbers RLN
The request list of stored numbers command is an RLN.
INVCUInvalid command - command unknown.
INVMSInvalid command - message syntax error.
If no number is stored at the specified address nothing is returned for
that address. The separator {sep} is a
sequence for BISYNC format (the last LSN string terminates with
<etx> per V.25 bis). For synchronous bit-oriented operation, each LSN
string is treated as an individual message per V.25 bis.
All stored numbers are sent to the DTE as
where a is the stored number address and nn....n is the number stored.
Disregard Incoming Call DIC
The command for disregarding an incoming call does not require
parameters. If no call is incoming, the command is ignored.
VALValid command received. Transmitted on receiving an error-
free command with no transmission error such as a parity
error. This confirmation is sent before the command is executed.
INVCUInvalid command - command unknown.
INVMS Invalid command - message syntax error.