AT Commands
Modem 3600 5-7
Call Progress / Connect Speed Messages X
The X command selects response code/message displays and dialing
options such as call progress monitoring, busy signal or dial tone
detection and blind dialing.
The X command followed by a dial command makes the modem go off
hook, wait the amount of time set in register S6, and dial the number. If
connection is made, the modem returns a CONNECT (code 1) message
to the screen regardless of the connection rate. With a basic response,
the modem does not detect a busy or no dial tone condition.
The X1 command followed by a dial command makes the modem go off
hook, wait the amount of time set in register S6, and dial the number. If
connection is made the modem returns an appropriate CONNECT
message or code to the screen. The modem does not detect a busy or no
dial tone situation.
The X2 command followed by a dial command makes the modem go off
hook and wait for a dial tone before dialing. If a dial tone is not detected
within 5 seconds, the modem sends a NO DIALTONE message and
hangs up. The modem does not detect a busy situation in this mode.
Command Operation
X Dial tone and busy signal detection not selected;
CONNECT (code 1) response messages displayed
for all speeds
X1 Dial tone and busy signal detection not selected;
appropriate CONNECT response messages or codes
displayed for data rate
X2 Dial tone detection only; NO DIAL TONE message
or code appears if dial tone not detected within 5
X3 Busy signal detection only; BUSY message or code
appears if dialed number is busy
X4 Dial tone and busy signal detection; appropriate
CONNECT message or code displayed