6-6 Modem 3600
Operating Mode \N
Select the V.42 bis mode to be used in data mode. An \Nn command
issued during command mode while a connection is in progress will not
affect the current connection but will be acted on for subsequent
connections. LAPM or MNP protocol operation is referred to as
MNP-only mode, and the auto-reliable modes allow protocol fallback.
Auto-Reliable Fallback Character %An
Select the ASCII character to be recognized as the auto-reliable fallback
character by the answering modem. During negotiation of protocol in
auto-reliable mode, the answering modem switches from reliable to
normal mode when receiving the auto-reliable fallback character from
the calling modem and passes the character to the serial port.
Enter the %An command to set the auto-reliable fallback character
(n=1-27 decimal representing an ASCII character).
The modem must be set for auto-reliable mode (AT\N3,
\N5, \N6, \N7).
Command Operation
\N Normal mode — no error control; data buffered
\N1 Direct mode — no error control; data not buffered
\N2 MNP only — try MNP; disconnect if not successful
\N3 MNP or normal — try MNP; fallback to normal async
\N4 LAPM only — try LAPM; disconnect if not successful
\N5 LAPM or normal — try LAPM; fallback to normal
\N6 LAPM or MNP — try both protocols; disconnect if not
\N7 LAPM, MNP, or normal — try both protocols; fallback
to normal if not successful
Command Operation
%A0 Disable auto-reliable fallback character
%An Sets ASCII character to be recognized as the
auto-reliable fallback character