Modem 3600 6-5
Serial Port (DTE) Constant Speed \J
The \J command allows DCE and DTE to operate at different speeds.
The \J1 command forces serial port (DTE) speed to follow data link
speed in any mode.
If the modem is in direct mode (\J1) and a DCE link is established at a
speed other than that of the original DTE autobaud speed, the modem
will issue the CONNECT message for the new DTE speed at the
original rate. All subsequent data will be sent to the DTE at the new
DCE speed.
The 230.4 kbps DTE speed is available, but the DTE will not
autobaud to 230.4 kbps. With the modem set for 115.2 kbps,
enter AT\J2 to enable the speed, and reset the DTE for 230.4
kbps. When the modem is set for 230.4 kbps, enter AT\J3 to
disable it if needed. Reset the DTE for 115.2 kbps.
V.42 Optional Detection Phase \M
This is a data sequence that speeds up the LAPM link negotiation time if
V.42 LAPM is supported by the remote modem.
Command Operation
\J Disable slaved DTE/DCE (constant speed DTE on)
\J1 Enable slaved DTE/DCE (constant speed DTE off)
\J2 Enable 230.4 kbps as DTE speed
\J3 Disable 230.4 kbps as DTE speed
Command Operation
\M V.42 fast detect data sequence disabled
\M1 V.42 fast detect data sequence enabled