
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 45
November 2003
Set the customer’s LAN, DNS, and WINS information 333
Set LAN address 333
Set DNS addresses and host name 333
Set WINS addresses 334
Other commands 334
ftpserv command 334
statapp command 334
net user commands 335
H Installation connectivity quick reference 337
I Map CD-ROM for an S8100 upgrade 339
Prepare to access the S8100 339
Activate the Guest account 339
Check the Guest account’s current setting 339
Enable the Guest account 340
Verify the Guest account’s new setting 340
Share the laptop’s CD-ROM drive 340
Connect to and access the S8100 341
Prepare to access the S8100’s desktop 341
Connect to the S8100 341
Map to the laptop’s CD-ROM drive 342
J Install and cable a CMC1 cabinet 343
Check customer’s order 343
Correct shipping errors 344
Unpack and inspect 344
Install an S8100 with a CMC1 system cabinet 348
Verify the carrier address ID on CMC1 cabinets 348
Floor mount the CMC1 cabinet 350
Wall mount the CMC1 cabinets 350
Install plywood backing on wall 351
Install wall-mounted cabinet 352
Install three vertically mounted cabinets 354
Install two cabinets vertically and one horizontally 355
Install left and right panels – wall mount 356