Checklists and job aids
Upgrade an S8100’s R9.5 software by replacing the S8100
28 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
11 LT-IE – Connect to the TN795 processor
with Internet Explorer.
Open Internet Explorer on the laptop, type in the
URL address bar, and press Enter.
12 LT-IE – Backup everything to the PCMCIA
card or to a network location.
Note: If the medium you are backing up to
runs out of space, a message will appear
noting the files that were not backed up. In
this case, find a different backup location or
PCMCIA card with enough capacity and
rerun the entire backup.
a Click 'Administer System'
b Log in with lucent3.
c Click ‘Backup & Restore’ under System Maintenance.
d Click ‘Immediate Backup’.
e Under “Choose Items for Immediate Backup,” select
everything that is installed.
Note: If the S8100’s internal AUDIX is being used, you must
do two backups. First, select the “AUDIX translations, names
& messages” radio button in addition to “MultiVantage
announcements” and “MultiVantage translations.” When the
backup finishes, return to the ‘Immediate Backup’ screen and
select only the “AUDIX announcements” radio button and
send this backup to the same or a different location.
f Set Destination to PCMCIA, or click ‘Other Location’
to send the backup to a network location.
g Click the Backup button.
13 Verify backup. Click “Last scheduled backup results”, and note the “Time
Finished” to verify that the backup finished.
14 LT-IE – Record AUDIX extension length.
Note: You will need to verify the extension
length later.
a Click the Back icon (on the IE tool bar) twice to return
to the Administer System page.
b From the explorer window, click 'Default AUDIX
c Note whether AUDIX is enabled. If so, click ‘AUDIX
Extension Length’ and record the extension length.
15 LT-IE – Shutdown the system. a Click 'Administer System'.
b Select 'Shutdown or Restart' under the System
Maintenance section.
16 The green “Complete” LED on the TN795
faceplate will be flashing during the
shutdown process. Wait until this LED is on
steady. Then power down the system.
17 Remove the TN795 Processor board.
18 Carefully remove the PCMCIA card from
the TN795 Processor board and install it in
the new TN2314 Processor board.
Do not swap the hard drives. A TN795’s hard drive will not
work on a TN2314.
19 Install the new Processor board into the
platform and power up the system.
Step Details