KIdentify a hard disk for PCN1413b
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 387
November 2003
K Identify a hard disk for PCN1413b
This appendix provides the steps to identify the correct hard disks to be replaced under PCN1413b.
Follow either Steps 1–3 of this procedure for an S8100’s installation or the entire
procedure (except Step 3) for routine maintenance operations.
If an S8100’s hard drive appears unreliable, identify whether the hard drive should be replaced.
1 Peel away the label on the hard drive to find its model number.
2 If the the hard drive’s model number matches the one shown in the following figure
This model has been identified as unreliable (as an S8100 drive) and should be replaced under
3 If you are installing a new S8100, then either:
— Contact the TSO for a case number authorizing the DOA hard drive’s replacement.
— For an Avaya installation, inform the project manager that the hard drive needs to be
and (once the new drive is acquired) continue with Replace an S8100’s hard drive
on page 20. If
not, continue with Step 4
4 For a repair or a preventative maintenance activity, then access the "http://support.avaya.com"
website to download the "diskcheck" file.
5 Once at the Avaya Support website, access the diskcheck file’s specific web page by:
a Clicking the Software and Firmware Downloads link.
b Under the heading "Enterprise Class IP Solutions," clicking the S8100 Media Server link.
c Clicking the Software Downloads link.
d Clicking the S8100 Media Server Hard-Drive Verification utility.