
396 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
License-Error mode in DEFINITY
Call processing is supported, a major alarm has been declared and a 6-day shut-off timer is running.
You must determine the cause of the inconsistency between the license and S8100, and fix it by
obtaining and installing a valid license.
License Server
A component of the Global Sanity Keeper (GSK) that looks for a special encrypted control file whose
contents indicate which serial number of the TN795 Processor card is permitted to execute on and
which application are allowed to run. If the file is present, the license information is read from the
file. If not, no licenses are granted.
light-emitting diode (LED)
A semiconductor device that produces light when voltage is applied. LEDs provide a visual indication
of the operational status of hardware components, the results of maintenance tests, the alarm status of
circuit packs, and the activation of telephone features.
local area network (LAN)
A networking arrangement designed for a limited geographical area. Generally, a LAN is limited in
range to a maximum of 6.2 miles and provides high-speed carrier service with low error rates.
Common configurations include daisy chain, star (including circuit-switched), ring, and bus.
Lucent Access Control (LAC)
A module that governs maintenance access to the Avaya application software.
Activities involved in keeping a telecommunications system in proper working condition: the
detection and isolation of software and hardware faults, and automatic and manual recovery from
these faults.
maintenance update
This is a software update, the processor is not replaced.
major alarm
An indication of a failure that has caused critical degradation of service and requires immediate
attention. Major alarms are automatically displayed on LEDs on the attendant console and
maintenance or alarming circuit pack, logged to the alarm log, and reported to a remote maintenance
facility, if applicable.
Multiapplication platform for DEFINITY.
media gateway
Hardware and firmware that converts between circuit-switched and packet-switched data. A CMC1
cabinet with an S8100 Media Server is the media gateway formerly called DEFINITY ONE. A G600
cabinet with an S8100 Media Server is the media gateway formerly called IP600.
media server
A processing platform running the Communication Manager, which provides call control and
telephony features. The S8100 Media Server (which is implemented on the TN2314 circuit pack) can
be housed in either the G600 or CMC1 cabinets.
A device into which information can be copied and held, and from which information can later be