Issue 2.0 December 1995 5-1
This chapter describes how to administer the MERLIN LEGEND system for
integration with the Intuity system. Be sure to have the MERLIN LEGEND system
forms that you completed in Chapter 2.
Disconnect Signaling Reliability
Use this procedure to classify the disconnect signal sent by the central office on
loop-start trunks as reliable. The selected setting applies to all trunks in the
system; trunks cannot be programmed individually. The disconnect signaling
reliability does not apply to ground-start trunks emulated on a T1 facility.
To set the disconnect signaling reliability:
1. From the System Programming menu, select Lines and Trunks.
■ On the console: Select LinesTrunks.
■ On the PC: Press .
The Lines and Trunks menu appears.
2. Select Touch-Tone/Loop Start Disconnect.
■ On the console: Select TT/LS Disc.
■ On the PC: Press .
The TouchTone/LS Disconnect menu appears.
3. Select Loop Start Disconnect.
■ On the console: Select LS Disconnect.
■ On the PC: Press .
The LS Reliable Disconnect menu appears.