Issue 2.0 December 1995 GL-17
local area network (LAN)
A network of PCs that communicate with each other and that normally share the resources of one
or more servers. Operation of AT&T Intuity Message Manager requires that the Intuity AUDIX
system and the subscribers’ PCs are on a LAN.
local AUDIX machine
The AT&T Intuity system where a subscriber's Intuity AUDIX mailbox is located. All subscribers on
this home machine are called
local subscribers
local installation
A switch, adjunct, or peripheral equipment installed physically near the host switch or system.
See also
local network
An Intuity AUDIX Digital Network in which all AT&T Intuity systems are connected to the same
A unique code used to gain approved access to the AT&T Intuity system. See also
login announcement
A feature enabling the system administrator and other designated users to create a mail message
that is automatically played to all Intuity AUDIX subscribers every time they login to the system.
leave word calling
magnetic peripherals
Data storage devices that use magnetic media to store information. Such devices include hard
disk drives, floppy disk drives, and cartridge tape drives.
A portion of disk memory given to each subscriber for creating and storing outgoing and
incoming messages.
mailing list
A group of subscriber addresses assigned a list ID# and public or private status. A mailing list
may be used to simplify sending messages to several subscribers.
The process of identifying system errors and correcting them, or taking steps to prevent problems
from occurring.
major alarm
An alarm detected by AT&T Intuity software that affects at least one fourth of the AT&T Intuity ports
in service. Often a major alarm indicates that service is affected.
manually out-of-service
manually out-of-service
A unit has been intentionally taken out of service.