Issue 2.0 December 1995 1-1
This chapter contains information that describes the Intuity system and explains
how the Intuity system and the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System work
The AT&T Intuity
Voice Mail System (Intuity AUDIX) and the AT&T Intuity
Intro Voice Response System (Intuity IVR) provide business-oriented,
computerized voice services in support of a telecommunications system.
The Intuity system uses voice prompts and announcements to guide callers in
sending and receiving voice messages through the use of touch-tone buttons on
the caller’s telephone. Intuity AUDIX can be used as a personal answering
service, a messenger to individuals or groups, an information service, an office
receptionist, and as an automated attendant service. Intuity Intro Voice
Response can be used to develop sophisticated voice applications tailored for a
specific customer.
Intuity AUDIX and Intuity Intro Voice Response are software application
packages that build upon the Intuity service layer and the Intuity processing
platform layer. (Refer to Figure 1-1.) The elements of the Intuity service layer and
the Intuity processing platform layer are accessible to any application package
above them. By putting common elements such as switch integration, digital
networking, voice processing, call control, and system administration into the
service layer, these facilities can be used by all current and future application