Issue 2.0 December 1995 A-7
maximum of eight allowed lists in the MERLIN LEGEND system with a maximum
of ten numbers on each list. Each voice port can be assigned any or all of the
allowed number lists.
Restrict AMIS Networking Number Ranges
To increase security for AMIS analog networking, including the Message Delivery
service, restrict the number ranges that may be used to address messages. If
possible, also place outward or toll restriction on the voice ports and use an
allowed number list.
Intuity AUDIX Administration
To minimize the risk of unauthorized persons using the Intuity AUDIX system to
make toll calls, administer the Intuity AUDIX system in any of the following ways:
Outcalling uses the voice messaging ports. If mailbox security is broken,
unauthorized persons can use outcalling to transfer messages at your expense.
If you need outcalling, restrict it as far as possible to eliminate the possibilities for
theft of services.
■ Do not enable outcalling at all if you don’t need it.
■ Do not enable outcalling for subscribers who don’t need it.
■ If outcalling is used only to ring in-house telephones that do not have
message waiting lamps, restrict the number of digits to the maximum
length of extensions.
■ If possible, restrict outcalling to the local area (7 digits), or North America
(10 digits).
■ If outcalling must be done to pagers, use pagers that have individual DID
numbers so that pager identification digits are not required and restrict
any additional digits for caller identification to the minimum possible.
■ If a limited number of pagers are in use, consider putting the pager
numbers on an unrestricted calling list so that outcalling can be effectively
limited to only those numbers.