Issue 2.0 December 1995 A-11
■ AT&T sales and service people will be the best informed in the industry on
how to help customers manage their systems securely. In their continuing
contacts with customers, they will provide the latest information on how to
do that most effectively.
■ AT&T will train its sales, installation and maintenance, and technical
support people to focus customers on known toll fraud risks; to describe
mechanisms that reduce those risks; to discuss the tradeoffs between
enhanced security and diminished ease of use and flexibility; and to
ensure that customers understand their role in the decision-making
process and their corresponding financial responsibility for fraudulent use
of their telecommunications system.
■ AT&T will provide education programs for customers and our own people
to keep them apprised of emerging technologies, trends, and options in
the area of telecommunications fraud.
■ As new fraudulent schemes develop, we will promptly initiate ways to
impede those schemes, share our learning with our customers, and work
with law enforcement officials to identify and prosecute fraudulent users
whenever possible.
We are committed to meeting and exceeding our customer’s expectations, and
to providing services and products that are easy to use and are of high value.
This fundamental principle drives our renewed assault on the fraudulent use by
third parties of our customers’ communications services and products.
AT&T Security Offerings
AT&T has developed a variety of offerings to assist in maximizing the security of
your system. These offerings include:
■ Security Audit Service of your installed systems.
■ Fraud Intervention Service.
■ Individualized Learning Program, a self-paced text that uses diagrams of
system administration screens to help customers design security into their
systems. The program also includes a videotape and the
GBCS Products
Security Handbook
■ Call Accounting package that calls you when preset types and thresholds
of calls are established.
■ Remote Port Security Device that makes it difficult for computer hackers to
access the remote maintenance ports.
■ Software that can identify the exact digits passed through the voice mail
For more information about these services, see the
GBCS Products Security