A-12 Issue 2.0 December 1995
AT&T Toll Fraud Crisis Intervention
If you suspect you are being victimized by toll fraud or theft of service and need
technical support or assistance, call the AT&T GBCS National Service Assistance
Center (NSAC) immediately.
These services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Consultation
charges may apply.
AT&T Corporate Security
Whether or not immediate support is required, please report all toll fraud
incidents perpetrated on AT&T services to AT&T GBCS National Service
Assistance Center (NSAC) at 800-288-2888. In addition to recording the incident,
AT&T services are available for consultation on product issues, investigative
support, law enforcement, and education programs.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Repair (NSAC) 800 628-2888
AUDIX Help LIne 800 562-8349