
xiv Issue 2.0 December 1995
Chapter 2, ‘‘Planning the Integration’’
This chapter provides Intuity system and MERLIN LEGEND system
planning worksheets and administration forms to help record information
needed for the integration of the Intuity system and the MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System. It also explains how to fill out the forms.
Chapter 3, ‘‘Implementing the Integration’’
This chapter describes the steps necessary to implement the integration
between the MERLIN LEGEND system and the Intuity system, and
describes where to find each necessary procedure.
Chapter 4, ‘‘Connectivity’’
This chapter provides connection diagrams and instructions for physically
connecting the Intuity system to the MERLIN LEGEND Communications
System and to other devices as necessary for system operation.
Chapter 5, ‘‘MERLIN LEGEND Switch Administration’’”
This chapter contains instructions for using the System Programming and
Maintenance Utility (SPM) to enter the data on the forms completed in
Chapter 2.
Chapter 6, ‘‘Intuity System Administration’’
This chapter contains instructions for administering the Intuity system for
use with the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System by entering data
on the forms completed in Chapter 2. Procedures are provided only for
MERLIN LEGEND system-specific items and for new Intuity features not
described elsewhere.
Chapter A, ‘‘System Security and Toll Fraud’’
This appendix provides important information for securing the system
against telecommunications fraud. Review the information in this appendix
before starting the switch integration process.
Chapter B, ‘‘Installing MERLIN LEGEND Software on the Intuity System’’
This appendix contains procedures for installing the MERLIN LEGEND
switch integration software on the Intuity system.
Chapter C, ‘‘Switch Administration for INTUITY Lodging’’
This appendix contains information about installing the MERLIN LEGEND
switch integration with an Intuity system operating the Intuity Lodging
This section provides a list of abbreviations and acronyms used in Intuity
Voice Processing documentation.