Issue 2.0 December 1995 B-1
Software on the Intuity System
This appendix provides procedures for installing the MERLIN LEGEND software
on the Intuity system.
All software, including the MERLIN LEGEND Switch Integration (SWIN)
Software and the MERLIN LEGEND System Programming and Maintenance
(SPM) Software is installed at the factory. This procedure is needed
when a system has to be reinstalled in the field. Before you install the
MERLIN LEGEND software, make sure that the voice system and
maintenance software are installed.
To install the MERLIN LEGEND software, perform the following 4 procedures:
1. Stop the voice system.
2. Load the MERLIN LEGEND software.
3. Start the voice system.
4. Turn on Intuity AUDIX transfer feature.
Each of these procedures is described in the following sections.