
E1442A Error Messages 99Appendix C
Appendix C
E1442A Error Messages
Error Types
Table C-2 lists the error messages generated by the E1442A Form C Switch
module firmware when programmed by SCPI. Errors with negative values
are governed by the SCPI standard and are categorized in Table C-1. Error
numbers with positive values are not governed by the SCPI standard. See
the E1406 Command Module User’s Manual for further details on these
Table C-1. Error Types
Range Error Types Description
-199 to -100 Command Errors (syntax and parameter errors).
-299 to -200 Execution Errors (instrument driver detected errors)
-399 to -300 Device Specific Errors (instrument driver errors that
are not command nor execution errors).
-499 to -400 Query Errors (problem in querying an instrument)