E1442A Command Reference 75Chapter 3
STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? returns which bits in the Event Register
(Operation Status Group) are set. The Event Register indicates when
there has been a time-related instrument event.
Comments Setting Bit 8 of the Operation Status Register: Bit 8 (Scan Complete) is set
to 1 after a scanning cycle completes. Bit 8 returns to 0 after sending the
STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? command.
Returned Data after Sending the STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? Command:
The command returns +256 if bit 8 of the Operation Status Register is
set to 1. The command returns +0 if bit 8 of the Operation Status Register
is set to 0.
Event Register Cleared: Reading the STATus:OPERation:EVENt register
with the STATus:OPERation:EVENt? command clears it.
ABORting a Scan: ABORting a scan will leave bit 8 set to 0.
Related Commands: [ROUTe:]SCAN
Example Reading the Operation Status Register After a Scanning Cycle
Returns the bit values of the
Standard Operation Status
+256 shows bit 8 is set to 1.
+0 shows bit 8 is set to 0.
STATus:PRESet affects only the enable register by setting all enable
register bits to 0. It does not affect either the "status byte" or the
"standard event status". PRESet does not clear any of the event