E1442A Command Reference 77Chapter 3
Comments Differences Between *RST and CPON: SYSTem:CPON only opens all
channels of a selected module or all modules in a switchbox. *RST opens
all channels of all modules in a switchbox and also sets all other settings
to their power-on states.
Example Set All Channels on Module #1 to Power-on State
Sets module #1 channels to
power-on state (open)
SYSTem:CTYPe?<number> returns the module (card) type of a selected
module in a switchbox.
Form C Switch Module Model Number: For the E1442A,
SYSTem:CTYPe? <number> returns:
where the four fields of the response are, 1) manufacturer, 2) model
number, 3) serial number (always 0), and 4) SWITCH firmware revision.
Example Reading the Model Number of a Card #1 Module
Determine the model number
SYSTem:ERRor? returns the error numbers and corresponding error
messages in the error queue of a switchbox. See Appendix C for a listing
of the switchbox error numbers and messages.
Comments Error Numbers/Messages in the Error Queue: Each error generated by a
switchbox stores an error number and corresponding error message in
the error queue. Each error message can be up to 255 characters long
but typically is much shorter.
Clearing the Error Queue: An error number/message is removed from the
queue each time the SYSTem:ERRor? query command is sent.
The errors are cleared first-in, first-out.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<number> numeric
1 through 99