E1442A Command Reference 69Chapter 3
[ROUTe:]SCAN <channel_list> defines the channels to be scanned. The
channel_list is in the form (@ccnn), (@ccnn,ccnn), or (@ccnn:ccnn)
where cc = card number (00-99) and nn = channel number (00-63 and
99). See the comments for explanation of using the special case of 99 in
the channel list.
Special Case of Using Upper Range 99 in the Channel List: Specifying the
last channel as 99 (for example, @100:199) automatically scans all
channels on the card number specified by cc.
Defining the Channel List: When executing [ROUTe:]SCAN, the channel
list is checked for valid card and channel numbers. An error is generated
for an invalid channel list.
Scanning Operation: With a valid channel list, INITiate[:IMMediate] starts
the scanning cycle and closes the first channel in the channel list.
Successive triggers from the source specified by TRIGger:SOURce
advance the scan through the channel list.
Stopping Scan: See the ABORt command.
Related Commands: CLOSe, OPEN, SCAN:MODE, TRIGger,
*RST Condition: All channels open.
Example Scanning Using External Devices
This BASIC language example shows how to scan channels via GPIB
using the E1406 Command Module and a 3457A Digital Multimeter. This
example uses the command module’s Trig Out port to synchronize the
switch module in a switchbox to the multimeter.
The trigger pulse from the Trig Out port triggers the multimeter for a
measurement. See Chapter 2 for typical user connections to the Form C
switch module. The addresses used are 70900 for the E1406 Command
Module, 722 for the 3457A Multimeter, and 70915 for the switchbox.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<channel_list> numeric
cc00 - cc63, cc99