82 E1442A Command Reference Chapter 3
SCPI Commands Quick Reference
The following table summarizes the SCPI Commands for the E1442A
64-Channel Form C Switch Module used in a switchbox.
Command Description
ABORt Aborts a scan in progress
ARM :COUNt <number> MIN |MAX
Multiple scans per INIT command
Queries number of scans
DISPlay :MONitor:CARD <number> |AUTO
:MONitor[:State] ON|OFF|1|0
Selects module to be monitored
Queries the card number
Selects monitor mode
Queries the monitor mode
INITiate :CONTinuous ON | OFF
Enables/disables continuous scanning
Queries continuous scan state
Starts a scanning cycle
OUTPut :ECLTrgn[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0
[:EXTernal][:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0
:TTLTrgn[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0
Enables/disables the specified ECL trigger line
Queries the specified ECL trigger line
Enables/disables the Trig Out port on the E1406
Queries the external state
Enables/disables the specified TTL trigger line
Queries the specified TTL trigger line
[ROUTe:] CLOSe <channel _list>
CLOSe? <channel _list>
OPEN <channel_list>
OPEN? <channel _list>
SCAN <channel_list>
Closes channel(s)
Queries channel(s) closed
Opens channel(s)
Queries channel(s) opened
Defines channels for scanning
Sets scan mode (has no effect on Form C operation)
Queries the scan mode
STATus :OPERation:CONDition?
Returns contents of the Operation Condition Register
Enables events in the Operation Event Register to be reported
Returns the mask value set by the :ENABle command
Returns the contents of the Operation Event Register
Enables Register bits to 0
SYSTem :CDEScription? <number>
:CTYPe? <number>
:CPON <number> |ALL
Returns description of module in a switchbox
Returns the module type
Opens all channels on specified module(s)
Returns error number/message in a switchbox Error Queue
TRIGger [:IMMediate]
:SOURce EXTernal
:SOURce IMMediate
Causes a trigger to occur
Trigger source is *TRG
Trigger source is Trig In (on the E1406)
Holds off triggering
Trigger source is the internal triggers
Trigger is the VXIbus ECL trigger bus line n
Trigger is the VXIbus TTL trigger bus line n
Queries scan trigger source