
58 E1442A Command Reference Chapter 3
The DISPlay subsystem monitors the channel state of a selected module
(or card) in a switchbox. The DISPlay command subsystem only
operates with an RS-232 terminal connected to the E1406 Command
Modules RS-232 port. These commands control the display on the
terminal, and would in most cases be typed directly from the terminal
However, it is possible to send these commands over the GPIB interface
and control the terminals display. In this case, care must be taken that
the instrument receiving the DISPlay command is the same one that is
currently selected on the terminal. Otherwise, the GPIB command will
have no visible effect.
Subsystem Syntax DISPlay
:CARD <number>|AUTO
DISPlay:MONitor:CARD <number>|AUTO selects the module in a
switchbox to be monitored. You must use DISP:MON:STAT ON to
actually display the monitored module state to the RS-232 terminal.
Comments Selecting a Specific Module to be Monitored: Send the card number in a
switchbox with the DISPlay:MONitor:CARD command.
Selecting the Present Module to be Monitored (AUTO): Use the
DISPlay:MONitor AUTO command to select the last module addressed
by a switching command (e.g., [ROUTe:]CLOSe).
*RST Condition: DISPlay:MONitor:CARD AUTO
Example Select Module #2 in a Switchbox for Monitoring
Selects module #2 in a
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<number | AUTO> numeric 1 - 99 AUTO