Getting Started 39Chapter 1
Start-Up Exercises This section provides a set of four start-up exercises you can use to quickly
get your E1442A 64-Channel Form C Switch operational, including:
• Exercise 1: Check Device Driver (E1406A only)
• Exercise 2: Query Module Identity
• Exercise 3: Perform Open, Close, and Scan Operations
• Exercise 4: Check for System Errors
NOTE We recommend you do not make user connections to the switch until you
have verified correct switch operation. If you have already connected user
inputs to the terminal module, you may want to remove the terminal module
from the switch module while doing these exercises.
Exercise 1: Check Device
If you use an E1406 Command Module, you can check the command
module for the correct version of the "SWITCH" device driver for the
E1442A. Skip this step and go to Exercise 2 if you do not use an E1406
Command Module.
Power-up the mainframe with the command module installed. The
command module is the resource manager at logical address 0 and is
typically addressed in the mainframe by 70900. Input this BASIC program
into your computer.
RUN the program and look for the device driver
6:,7&+6:,7&+%2;$5$0 RAM could be FLASH (flash ROM)
depending on where the device driver is loaded. ',$*QRVWLF'5,9HU/,67"
queries the command module at address 70900 for a list of the device
drivers loaded in the command module. A typical response should be similar
to the following and will depend on the specific drivers that were previously
loaded in the command module.
The SWITCH version A.08.00 driver (or later) must appear in this list for the
E1442A. If not, you must load a new device driver. To load a new version
device driver, you need your device driver version A.08.00 disk and the
Installing SCPI Device Drivers (part number E1401-90022).
NOTE For the latest information on instrument drivers, see