E1442A Command Reference 67Chapter 3
Example Closing Form C Switch Channels
This example closes channel 00 of card number 1 Form C switch module
and channel 15 of card number 2 Form C switch module in a single
100 closes channel 00 of Form C
switch #1. 215 closes channel 15
of Form C switch #2.
[ROUTe:]CLOSe? <channel_list> returns the current state of the
channel(s) queried. The channel_list is in the form (@ccnn). The
command returns 1 if the channel is in the NO state (C connected to NO)
or returns 0 if the channel is in the NC state (C connected to NC). If a list
of channels is queried, a comma-delineated list of 0 or 1 values is
returned in the same order of the channel list.
Comments Query is Software Readback: The [ROUTe:]CLOSe? command returns
the current state of the hardware controlling the specified channel. It
does not account for a failed switch element or a relay closed by direct
register access (see Appendix B).
Example Query Form C Switch Channel Closure
100 closes channel 00 of Form C
switch #1. 215 closes channel 15
of Form C switch #2.
Query channel 215
[ROUTe:]OPEN <channel_list> de-energizes the relays for the channels
specified in the channel_list connecting the Common (C) terminal to the
Normally Closed (NC) terminal. The channel_list is in the form (@ccnn),
(@ccnn,ccnn), or (@ccnn:ccnn) where cc = card number (00-99) and nn
= channel number (00-63).
Comments Using Upper Range 99 in the Channel List: Specifying the last channel as
99 (for example, (@100:199) automatically opens all channels on the
card number specified by cc.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<channel_list> numeric
cc00 - cc63