ADCP-75-210 • Issue 1 • March 2007
Page 56
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
3. If RF cables will be routed from the existing RAN M/MCPLR or P/MCPLR module to the
extension RAN, remove the hole seal plugs located on the top right of the existing RAN
and on the bottom right of the extension RAN.
4. Bolt the fixturing angle to each side the expansion RAN pole mount bracket bottom holes
using the two 1/4-20 X 3/4 hex bolts.
5. Raise the assembly above the existing RAN and align the bottom of the fixturing angle
with the top of the existing pole mount bracket.
6. Bolt the fixturing angle to each side of the existing RAN pole mount bracket top holes
using the two 1/4-20 X 3/4 hex bolts.
7. Install the extension RAN pole mount bracket, RAN cabinet, and rain shields following
the instructions in Section 2.5.3 on Page 36, Section 2.5.4 on Page 38, and Section 2.5.5
on Page 38, respectively.
8. Install a solar shield on the extension RAN following the instructions in Section 2.7.1 on
Page 43.
9. Install a grounding wire on the extension RAN following the instructions in Section 2.7.2
on Page 44.
10. Install the RF cables from the antenna to the extension RAN following the instructions in
Section 2.7.3 on Page 45.
11. Install the fiber optic cable from the Hub to the extension RAN following the instructions
in Section 2.7.4 on Page 47.
12. Install AC power in the extension RAN following the instructions in Section 2.7.5 on Page
13. Install backup batteries in the extension RAN following the instructions in Section 2.7.6
on Page 50.
14. Close and secure both RANs.
Note: In this case, the multicoupler modules, the PAAs, and the GPS in the existing RAN
will be providing input into the extension RAN RDC module, the PAAs, and the STF
module (ANT input) for some or all of bands 5-8. The associated RF cables from the
multicouplers will be routed out of the top of the existing RAN and into the bottom of the
extension RAN.