ADCP-75-210 • Issue 1 • March 2007
Page 29
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
1.12 Backup Batteries
The NXD RAN has two backup battery options:
• Extended Batteries: provide backup protection for up to two hours. These are four 12V,
85-100 AH internal batteries connected in series for a -48V system. The four batteries
together with associated wiring and hardware weigh 325 pounds (147.7 kg).
• Glitch Batteries: provide backup protection for up to five minutes. These are small,
motorcycle type batteries connected in a series configuration.
1.13 Antenna
ADC provides a pole-mount antenna kit for use when the RAN is mounted on a wooden utility
pole. The kit must be separately ordered from the RAN. Pole mounting is the most common
type of RAN installation.
The antenna offered interfaces with the PCS and Cellular/SMR bands and supports two branch
diversity receive paths. Also included in the kit is the GPS antenna used by the RAN.
The RAN may also be mounted outdoors on a concrete pad. This type of installation may use a
conventional directional antenna in either a sector or quasi-omni antenna configuration,
depending on the coverage objective and design. Proper antenna selection and the mounting
installation are the responsibility of the design engineer.
Antenna installation is covered in separate publications, available for downloading from the
ADC web site, www.adc.com. Refer to RELATED PUBLICATIONS on Page vii.
Table 15. Circuit Breaker Functions
1A PA1
2A PA2
3A PA3
4A PA4
5A cPCI chassis
Table 16. Circuit Breaker Panel LEDs
1 OK Green LED Okay. Lights when AC power is present
2 FAULT Red LED Fault. Lights when rectifier is limiting current