ADCP-75-210 • Issue 1 • March 2007
Page 33
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
2.4.2 Power Requirements
Power must be available at the RAN site. The RAN requires 240 VAC, single phase, 20 Amps
service. Included with the power meter must be surge protection and circuit breakers.
The RAN can have up to three 1500 watt rectifiers. For the minimum specified voltage (176
VAC), each can draw up to 10 amps. The RAN will draw up to 1800 watts normally, but when
batteries are re-charging that amount will increase the current draw into a RAN to up to 16
Amps. Therefore, one 20 Amps service is required per four band RAN.
In a pole mount installation, the power meter is typically installed on the pole below the unit in
separate boxes. In a concrete pad installation, an external junction box is typically placed near
the RAN providing AC power, surge protection, and circuit breakers.
2.4.3 Antenna Requirement
ADC offers a pole-mount antenna kit (accessory) for use when the RAN is mounted on a
wooden utility pole. Either a 2 in. (5.08 cm) O.D. model or a 9 in. (22.86 cm) O.D. model can
be ordered. Pole mounting is the most common installation. The antenna interfaces with the
PCS and Cellular/SMR bands and supports two branch diversity receive paths. Also included in
the kit is the GPS antenna used by the RAN. Installation instructions for the pole mount antenna
are included with the kit.
When the RAN is mounted on a concrete pad, a conventional directional antenna may be used
(customer supplied). The antenna may be set to operate in either a sector or quasi-omni
configuration, depending on the coverage objective and design. Proper antenna selection and the
mounting installation are the responsibility of the design engineer.
2.4.4 RF Cable Requirements
RF cables are required at the installation site to provide the physical link between the RAN and
the antenna. In a pole-mount installation, U-duct of an appropriate size is also required to cover
the RF cables on the pole. The U-duct provides only physical protection. It should not be
considered to provide electrical isolation from conductors on the pole. Adequate clearance must
be obtained for the routing of these cables past the existing services as defined in the previous
topic. In a concrete pad installation, RF cables from the antenna are routed and protected per the
installation plan provided by the design engineer.
Table 17. RAN Dimensions
RAN 31.35 in. (76.7 cm) 36.5 in. (92.7 cm) 27.5 in. (69.9 cm)
Dual RAN 31.25 in. (76.7 cm) 73 in. (185.4 cm) 27.5 in. (69.9 cm)