Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Enabling the Jini Lookup Service 97
Enabling the Jini Lookup Service
Enable the Jini lookup service on at least two Cuda 12000 chassis. Each
chassis that runs the Jini lookup service must be on the same physical
network as the multi-chassis group that it serves. To enable the Jini lookup
service on a chassis, perform the following tasks:
In this example, the status of the Jini lookup service is displayed, then the Jini
lookup service is started, and finally the Jini lookup status is displayed again.
cli: show lookup
# JINI lookup service (reggie) is stopped.
cli: lookup enable
Please wait, this may take some time ...
# rmid is stopped
# Starting RMI activation daemon: OK
# httpd (pid 4055 4054 4053 4052 4051 4050 4049 540 539 538 537
536 535 534 533
531) is running...
# rmid (pid 5492 5491 5490 5489 5488 5487 5486 5485 5484 5483
5482 5481 5480 547
9 5478 5433) is running...
# JINI lookup service (reggie) is stopped.
# POLICY= /bas/data/java.policy
# LOG_DIR= /var/log/reggie_log
# GROUPS= Cuda12000
# Registering JINI lookup service: OK
# JINI lookup service (reggie) is running.
cli: show lookup
# JINI lookup service (reggie) is running.
Tasks Commands
1. Enter configuration mode. root
2. Enable the Jini lookup service. lookup enable
3. Verify the Jini status. show lookup