Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Packet Over SONET (POS) Commands 587
ppp chap-password <password> interface:pos:csi Configures the password with
which the POS interface responds
to Challenge Handshake Protocol
(CHAP) challenges.
ppp ipcp-report-address interface:pos:csi Configures the POS interface to
respond with its IP address during
Internet Protocol Control Protocol
(IPCP) negotiations. Note that this
is the default behavior.
ppp negotiation-count <0...100> interface:pos:csi Specifies the maximum number of
negotiation attempts that the
current POS interface allows.
ppp pap-sent-username <name>
password <password>
interface:pos:csi Configures the username and
password that the POS interface
sends in response to PAP
authorization challenges.
ppp username <name> password
interface:pos:csi Allows you to define
authentication entries used by the
POS interface to authenticate
remote peers.
timeout <0 ... 65535> interface:pos:csi Sets the timeout values for both
point-to-point protocol (PPP)
authentication and negotiation
Command Mode Description