Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Feeder Cable Coaxial cables that run along streets within the served area and connect
between the individual taps which serve the customer drops.
Fiber Node The interface between a fiber trunk and the coaxial distribution. Fiber nodes
are located in a subscribers neighborhood.
File Transfer
Protocol (FTP)
A protocol that allows users to log into a remote system, identify themselves,
list remote directories, and copy files to and from the remote machine. FTP
understands a few basic file formats. It is more complex than Telnet in that it
maintains separate TCP connections for control and data transfer.
Flow A unidirectional data path between a cable modem and a CMTS.
Forward Error
Correction (FEC)
A technique for correcting errors incurred in transmission over a
communications channel by the receiver, without requiring the
retransmission of any information by the transmitter; typically it involves a
convolution of the transmitted bits and the appending of extra bits, using a
common algorithm by both the receiver and transmitter.
FTP See File Transfer Protocol.
Gateway A device that communicates with two protocols and translates services
between them.
Graphical User
Interface (GUI)
A program that displays information using graphics instead of command line
text. The user can interact with a computer operating system through a
series of “windows”, also known as “point and click”
Group Delay The difference in transmission time between the highest and lowest of
several frequencies through a device, circuit or system.
Guard Time Minimum time allocated between bursts in the upstream referenced from
the symbol center of the last symbol of a burst to the symbol center of the
first symbol of the following burst. The guard time should be at least the
duration of five symbols plus the maximum system timing error.
GUI See Graphical User Interface.
Harmonic Related
Carrier (HRC)
A method of spacing television channels on a cable television system in exact
6-MHz increments, with all carrier frequencies harmonically related to a
common reference.