Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Viewing Chassis Details 101
Viewing Chassis Details
You can view chassis details for a local chassis, a particular chassis within a
group, or all the chassis in a group. Chassis details include the following
Table 5-1 Chassis Details
Perform the following tasks to view chassis details. Note that all commands
are issued in root mode:
Parameter Description
Multi Chassis Service Indicates whether or not multi-chassis support
is activated on the particular chassis. This field
appears only if you specify the local keyword
on the show chassis command.
Host Name The host name assigned to the chassis.
IP Address Indicates the IP address of the particular
Group Name The group name assigned to the chassis.
Version The current Cuda software version that is
running on the chassis.
Description The description assigned to the chassis group.
Task Command
1. View details of the host
The host chassis is the chassis
for which you currently have
show chassis local
2. View details for a particular
chassis, within the same
group in which you currently
have access.
show chassis <ip address>
3. View details for all the
chassis within the same
group in which you currently
have access.
show chassis