
Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
The material on which information signals may be carried; e.g., optical fiber,
coaxial cable, and twisted-wirepairs.
Transport Stream In MPEG-2, a packet-based method of multiplexing one or more digital video
and audio streams having one or more independent time bases into a single
Trivial File-Transfer
Protocol (TFTP)
An Internet protocol for transferring files without the requirement for user
names and passwords that is typically used for automatic downloads of data
and software.
Trunk Cable Cables that carry the signal from the head-end to groups of subscribers. The
cables can be either coaxial or fiber depending on the design of the system.
An encoding of three fields, in which the first field indicates the type of
element, the second the length of the element, and the third field the value.
UCD See Upstream Channel Descriptor.
UDP See User Datagram Protocol.
UHF See, Ultra-High Frequency.
The range of the radio spectrum is the band extending from 300 MHz to 3
GHz. The wavelengths corresponding to these limit frequencies are 1 meter
and 10 centimeters.
Upstream The direction of the data flow from the subscriber location (CM) toward the
head-end (CMTS).
Upstream Channel
Descriptor (UCD)
A MAC management message transmitted by the CMTS Adapter Module at
a configured period of time. A UCD defines the characteristics of an
upstream channel including the size of the mini-slot, the upstream channel
ID, and the downstream channel ID. It also defines channel parameters and a
burst descriptor. UCDs are transmitted for each upstream channel.
User Datagram
Protocol (UDP)
In conjunction with IP, UDP provides unreliable connection-less datagram
delivery service. UDP can address specific protocol ports as a destination
within a given host.