Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Document Organization 17
Document Organization
The Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide is
organized as follows:
Part I: Administration Overview
Chapter 1: Cuda 12000 Overview — Provides an overview of product
functionality and includes information on how the Cuda 12000
integrates into your network.
Chapter 2: About the Command Line Interface — Introduces you to
the Cuda 12000 command line interface (CLI).
Chapter 3: Managing User Accounts — Provides information and
procedures on how to create and configure user accounts for control of
management access to the chassis.
Part II: Chassis Administration
Chapter 4: Chassis Configuration — Provides an overview of
chassis-wide configuration and related tasks.
Chapter 5: Multi-Chassis Support — Provides information and
procedures on how to create groups of Cuda 12000 chassis.
Chapter 6: Module Administration — Provides information and
procedures for basic module administration, as well as Ethernet
administration. Also includes information on how to view traffic statistics
for each port.
Chapter 7: Packet Over SONET Administration — Provides
information and procedures for Packet Over SONET administration.
Chapter 8: Timing and Alarm Controller Management — Describes
the alarm management features that you can use to discover and
troubleshoot cable modems, modules, and link problems. Also includes
information on how to configure alarm reporting for attached fan tray
and power supplies.
Chapter 9: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) —
Provides procedures for configuring the Cuda 12000 for SNMPv1,
SNMPv2, and SNMPv3 management.
Chapter 10: Managing System Events — Describes how to manage
event transmission and logging on the Cuda 12000.