ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
590 A
If you are not using the internal FastFlow BPM DHCP server and are instead
using an external DHCP server, then you must point the DHCP relay agent on
the CMTS DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS module to the IP address of the external
provisioning server. The following procedure steps you through the process
of configuring the CMTS to use an external DHCP provisioning server.
If a DHCP policy is not configured, then the DHCP relay drops all DHCP
requests as it does not know where to forward them.
Task Command
Note: Skip tasks 1, 2, and 3 if
the FastFlow Broadband
Provisioning Manager is not
installed on your Cuda 12000.
1. Enter provisioning server
2. Disable the Cuda 12000
integrated FastFlow
Broadband Provisioning
Manager server.
ps-config serverstate disable
3. Verify that you have
disabled the provisioning
server. Serverstate should
be set to disabled.
show ps-config | include ServerState
Note that command strings are case-sensitive.
4. Enter interface
configuration mode for the
selected cable interface.
interface <c/s/i>
5. Display the current DHCP
policy configuration.
show dhcp-policy default
6. If the Forward Internal field
in the command output
from task 5. displays
“enable,” then disable
internal DHCP forwarding.
Otherwise, skip this task
and proceed to the next
dhcp-policy default permit
forward-internal disable
7. Specify the external DHCP
server to which you want
the interface to forward
DHCP requests.
dhcp-policy default permit <ip address>