ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
292 C
Default Cost Metric that is to be used for the default
route entry in RIP updates originated on this
interface. A value of zero indicates that no
default route should be originated; in this
case, a default route via another router may
be propagated.
Accept Default Indicates whether default routes advertised
by neighbor routers are accepted on this
interface. The default route is the one that
routers select when they do not have a
specific route to a destination network,
subnetwork, or host.
Accept Host Route Indicates whether host routes advertised by
neighbor routers are accepted on this
interface. A host route is one in which the
destination IP address identifies a specific
host, rather than a network or subnet.
Split Horizon Indicates whether split horizon is used on
the interface. Split horizon specifies that if a
router learns a route from an update
received on the interface, then the router
does not advertise that route on updates
that it transmits on the interface.
Poisoned Reverse Indicates whether poison reverse will be
used on the interface. Poison Reverse is
similar to split horizon, but stronger. Routers
do not omit destinations learned from an
interface; instead, routers include these
destinations in updates, but advertise an
infinite cost to reach them. This parameter
increases the size of routing updates. In
addition, it provides a positive indication
that a specific location is not reachable
through a router.
Status Indicates whether RIP is active (enabled) or
inactive (disabled) on this interface. When
RIP is disabled, RIP packets are not sent or
Parameter Description