
Use the SET TR_SURROGATE REM_STATUS command to enable the TR-NMC’s
Ring Error Monitor (REM) features.
set tr_surrogate
slot Specifies the hub slot number. where slot = 1 through 17
option See table that follows for REM option descriptions.
setting Enables or disables REM and CRS features.
Option Description
all_flags Activates all items listed in this table.
rem_traps Determines if REM sends traps to a Network Manager
monitoring the segment.
weight_excded_traps Determines if REM generates weight-exceeded traps. These
traps indicate that a soft-error threshold has been exceeded
for a particular fault domain.
preweight_excded_traps Determines if REM generates pre-weight-exceeded traps.
These traps indicate that an impending soft-error threshold
has been exceeded by a station.
rcvr_congestion_traps Determines if REM generates receiver congestion traps.
These traps indicate that a station’s receive buffer has been
overloaded by incoming traffic.
noniso_threshold_excd_traps Determines if REM generates Non-Isolating Threshold
Exceeded traps. These traps indicate that one of the
non-isolating error counters being monitored has exceeded
its threshold.
forward_frames_traps Determines if REM forwards information in the Report
Neighbor Notification MAC frames and the Report Monitor
Error MAC frames to a LAN manager on the segment.
ring_line_error_data Determines if REM includes line error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_internal_error_data Determines if REM includes internal error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_burst_error_data Determines if REM includes burst error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_ac_error_data Determines if REM includes A/C error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_abortxmt_error_data Determines if REM includes abort transmit error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_lostframes_error_data Determines if REM includes lost frames error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_rcvrcngst_error_data Determines if REM includes receiver congestion error data in
the ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_framecopy_error_data Determines if REM includes frame copied error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.