Teledyne 4220 Oxygen Equipment User Manual

4220 Flow Meter
Appendix C Programming Worksheets
13. Printer On/off With Enable: Yes, No
C.7 Alarm Dialout Mode You must have a modem installed in the flow meter for
any of these menus to appear.
1. Alarm Dialout: Disable, Conditional, Storm, Flowlink
2. Level: Greater Than __.____ Feet.
3. Rainfall Amount: __.____ Inches (other units)
4. Rainfall Time Period: 15 Min, 30 Min, 1 Hr, 2 Hr, 4 Hr, 6
Hr, 8 Hr, 12 Hr, 24 Hr, 48 Hr, 72 Hr
5. Time Since Last Rainfall: Days: ______ (allowable 1-7)
6. Condition: Level, Flow Rate, D.O., pH, Temperature, Rain-
fall, YSI pH, YSI DO, YSI Conductivity, YSI Temperature
7. Condition: Greater Than, Less Than, Rate Of Change
8. Select Operator: Done, Or, And
9. Alarm Dial-out Numbers: Done, Num. 1, Num. 2, Num. 3,
Num. 4, Num. 5
10. First Phone Number:
11. Second Phone Number:
12. Third Phone Number:
13. Fourth Phone Number:
14. Fifth Phone Number:
15. Delay Between Dialouts:_______Minutes
16. Callback To Disable Alarm: Yes, No
C.8 Printer 1. Enter Printer Speed: Off,
2"/hr, 1"/hr, 2"/hr, 4"/hr
2. Input For Printer Line A: None, Level, Flow Rate, pH,
D.O., Temp, YSI pH, YSI D.O., YSI Cond., YSI Temp.
3. Printer Line A Bottom Scale: __.____ pH
4. Printer Line A Full Scale: __.____ Feet (or meters)
5. Input For Printer Line B: None, Level, Flow Rate, pH,
D.O., Temp, YSI pH, YSI D.O., YSI Cond., YSI Temp.
6. Input For Printer Line C: None, Level, Flow Rate, pH,
D.O., Temp, YSI pH, YSI D.O., YSI Cond., YSI Temp.
7. Plot Rainfall On Chart?: No, Yes
C.9 Reports/History 1. Report Generator A: On, Off, (Print)
2. Report A Duration To Be In: Hours, Days, Months
3. Enter Report A Duration: ______ Hours
4. Print Report A at Yr:_____Month:___Day:___Hr:___
5. Report Generator B: On, Off, (Print)
6. Report B Duration To Be In: Hours, Days, Months
7. Enter Report B Duration: ____Hours