Performance Verification
P6249 4 GHz 5X Active Probe Instruction Manual
DC Attenuation Accuracy
Use this procedure to verify the probe DC attenuation accuracy.
Before beginning, read the procedure through completely.
1. Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 12 on page 41.
2. Attach the probe to a TEKPROBE interface on the 1103 power
3. Set the 1103 offset VAR/0V to 0V.
4. Set the multimeter to read DC volts.
5. Connect the probe tip and ground to the power supply using the
Y-lead and KlipChip adapters.
6. Allow 30 minutes for the equipment to warm up.
Record the results of steps 7 through 10 separately. Use the results to
calculate the DC accuracy of the probe in step 11.
7. Set the power supply to +1.000 V. Record the power supply
output as Vmax.
8. Measure and record the multimeter reading as M1.
9. Set the power supply to –1.000 V. Record the power supply
output as Vmin.
10. Measure and record the multimeter reading as M2.
NOTE. If you are unable to set the power supply precisely, record the
actual readings and determine the absolute difference.
|Vmax – Vmin| = difference.
Divide the difference by 5 to account for the ideal probe attenuation
factor. For example: 0.8 is the difference between +2 and –2, divided
by 5.