Console Adjustment
To adjust the Console tilt position:
1. Loosen the knob behind the Console.
2. Carefully move the Console tilt to one of the available positions.
3. Tighten the knob.
Power-Up / Idle Mode
The Console will enter Power-Up / Idle Mode if it is plugged into a
power source, any button is pushed, or if it receives a signal from the
RPM sensor as a result of pedaling the machine.
Auto Shut-Off (Sleep Mode)
The LCD display is off while in Sleep Mode.
Note: The Console does not have an On/Off switch.
Initial Setup
During the first power-up, the Console must be setup for your preferred measurement units, the
machine type, and brightness of the screen.
1. Units of Measurement: Push the Increase/Decrease buttons to change between “Miles-Lb”
2. Push START/ENTER to set.
3. MachineType:PushtheIncrease/Decreasebuttonstochangebetween“BIKE”and
4. Push START/ENTER to set.
5. Backlight: Push the Increase/Decrease buttons to change the screen brightness, with “1” the
brightest and “5” the darkest.
6. Push START/ENTER to set. The Console goes back to the Power-Up / Idle Mode screen.
Note: To change these choices, consult the “Console Set-Up Mode” section.