RayTek FR Thermometer User Manual

MarathonSeriesFA/FR 43
Description Char Format (2) P
Legal Values Factory Default
Wide Power Q nnnn.nnn 0000.000-9999.999
Narrow Power (FR only) R nnnn.nnn 0000.000-9999.999
Slope (FR only) S n.nnn 0.850-1.150 1.000
Target temperature
FR series: 2-color
T nnnn (4)
Temperature unit U X C or F USA: F, Foreign: C
Poll/Burst mode V X P = Poll, B = Burst Burst
Target temperature
FR series: 2-color wide
W nnnn (4)
Burst string contents (5) X$
Multidrop address XA nnn 000 to 032 000
Low temperature limit XB nnnn 0000-9999 (4) set at factory calibration
Deadband (6) XD nn 01 - 55 in °C 02
Decay rate XE nnnn 0000-5555°C 0000
Restore factory defaults (8) XF
High temperature limit XH nnnn 0000-9999 (4) set at factory calibration
Sensor initialization XI n 0 = Flag reset
1 = Flag set
Laser (optional) XL X 0 = off, 1 = on
H = overheat (off)
N = no laser built in
Sensor model type XM X A, B, C set at factory calibration
Output current XO n 0=0 - 20 mA, 4=4 - 20 mA 4
Second setpoint XP nnnn 0000 to 5432 (11) 0000
Sensor revision XR Xn set at factory calibration
Setpoint / relay function XS nnnn 0000 to 5432 (9) 0000
Trigger XT n XT0=inactive, XT1= active
Identify unit XU !XUFR1A
Sensor serial number XV Xnnnnnn set at factory calibration
Hysteresis Advanced Hold XY nnnn 0000-3000°C 0002
Attenuation to activate relay (10)
(FR only)
Y nn 0 to 95% 95%
Attenuation for failsafe (FR only) Z nn 0 to 99% 95%
(4) incurrentscale(°Cor°F)
(5) seesection
(6) noeffectifrelayinalarmmode
(7) N=nolaserbuiltin
(8) Notethatthiscommandhasaspecialeffectonthe“BottomofmArange”parameter,asnotedabovein(6)
(9) 0000placesunitinalarmmode.Nonzerosetpointvalueputsunitin
(10) Relaygoestoabnormal,displayandanalogoutcontinuetoprovidetemperature.
(11) XP=000meansonly1setpointornosetpointisused.XS<>0000andXP<>0000means