Service manual M695
Doc Code 636 718 10/94 3077-HWE
Changes and modifications
M680 control unit (MEL61/62) is compatible with
M695 surgical microscope
. . . from control unit
the MEL61/62 can also be used for the M695, provided that earlier lamp
serial number 011193001
control PCBs are subjected to a slight modification. This modification was
introduced from March 1993 onwards (Index C on board) (355 980 C).
The functions ZOOM SPEED B, XY-SPEED and POSITION 1/2 are not
required for the M695. The positions occupied on the control panel by
these switches or potentiometers will be covered over. The covers, and
instructions for fitting them, accompany the control unit.
From March 1995 onwards, only the MEL61/62 control unit will be used
for the M680 and M695. The previously-used MEL64/65 control unit will
no longer be manufactured.
Modification of the
is required if both of the following conditions are met:
lamp-conbol PCB
The MEL64/65 control unit is replaced by an MEL61/62
The M695 was despatched before March 1993. The lamp control PCB
therefore bears an earlier index than C.
Under these conditions the hand-/footswitches will not react at the control
input A or B respectively, depending on the position of the switch
"Position 1/2".
On the soldered side, bridge pins 10 and 12 of P20 with a
resistor (1/8W). The resistor shall not come into contact with the
housing cover.