1) Power adapter plug
2) Temperature Probe Connector
3) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
4) PAPER key, to move the paper up
5) ON/OFF key, to turn the meter on or off
6) ALT key, to alternate key function
7) TEMP/TIME key, to select temperature reading, to view date
and time, and to enable backlight (with ALT)
8) LOG key, to store and/or print measurements
9) â LOT INFO key, to move down or view logging information
(with ALT)
10) à CFM key, to move right or confirm values (with ALT)
11) á FNC key, to move up or select function codes (with ALT)
12) Touch probe, to connect and read the i-Button tag
13) Printer
14) Battery location
15) RS232 - communication infrared leds