Code Valid values Default
10 Show GLP data
11 Calibration alarm time-out On(enabled); Off(disabled) On
20 Instrument ID code 0000÷9999 0000
30 Current time
hh:mm 00:00
31 Current day
dd 01
32 Current month
MM 01
33 Current year
YYYY 2004
40 Auto-Off/Power down time-out Off,5,10,15,30,45,60 min 5
41 Battery level test
50 RS232 baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 9600
60 Firmware version
70 Celsius/Fahrenheit selection °C ; °F °C
99 Password
0000÷9999 0000
The meter automatically checks for entered time/date accuracy as follows:
0≤hh≤23; 0≤mm≤59; 01≤dd≤28/29/30/31; 1≤MM≤12; 1998≤YYYY≤2097.
To change the password, the correct code must be entered first. If the password
has been forgotten, the password protected features are no longer accessible;
in this case, contact your nearest Hanna Service Center.
cod. 00: Lot data Printing
cod. 01: Log Interval
cod. 02: Lot table Printing
cod. 03: Printer enable
cod. 05: Press "ALT CFM" to delete Lot00 or "ALT FNC" to escape
cod. 06: Press "ALT CFM" to delete Lot 01-16 or "ALT FNC" to escape
cod. 10: GLP
cod. 11: Calibration alarm time-out
cod. 20: Instrument ID Code
cod. 30: Hour - Minute
cod. 31: Day
cod. 32: Month
cod. 33: Year
cod. 40: Auto OFF
cod. 41: Battery test
cod. 50: Baud rate
cod. 60: Release code
cod. 70: Celsius or Fahrenheit
cod. 99: Pass Code