Chapter 4 Using Web Conferencing
Comparison with Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Web Meetings
User Guide for Cisco Unified Personal Communicator for Macintosh, Release 1.1
Comparison with
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Web Meetings
Note Information in this section is useful only to people who are familiar with
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express.
Web conferences that you add to Cisco Unified Personal Communicator
conversations include a subset of the functionality that is available in web
meetings that you initiate from Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express.
Web conferences that you add to Cisco Unified Personal Communicator
conversations always have the following characteristics:
• Only sharing and annotating features and connection- and
screen-management functions are available.
• No Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express password or profile is required to
participate, but you may need a profile in order to add web conferencing.
• People can join these web conferences only via a
Cisco Unified Personal Communicator conversation or a URL from the
conversation. People cannot find or join these web conferences via the
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express web pages or service on
Cisco Unified IP Phones.
• All participants in the conference, including the initiator of the web
conference, have Presenter privileges.
• There are no meeting notifications for these conferences.
• Your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express profile settings do not apply to
web conferences that you add via Cisco Unified Personal Communicator.
End a web-conferencing
In the active conversation window, click the End
Conference button.
Only the person who added web conferencing can do
To Do This Do This