Page 13
Floor Level/Stow Level Position of Platform:
Vital to ramp performance is proper platform
position before, after and during deploying and
stowing cycles. Proximity sensors (see Photo F)
use a magnetic field to switch on and off as the
Top Cover LipPlatform
metallic pick-up passes in front of the sensor head.
Distance from the sensor head to the pick-up must
be approximately 2 mm and should be checked to
ensure sensor switching (sensor LED lights when
switched on). See Photos H and I.
Stow Level
Floor Level
Clean and Apply Light Oil
Front Cover Hinge: The front cover opens and
closes via a spring loaded hinge. See Photo
E. Clean and lubricate the front cover hinge. A
light oil may be used on the front cover hinge but
should be limited to reduce the possible buildup
of debris. Allow hinge to dry before applying
lubricant (light oil).
Manual Release Handle: The manual release
handle locks in position via a quarter turn of
the handle. Clean exterior then unlock and pull
handle out to apply lubricant (light oil) to shaft.
Cycle handle in and out to distribute lubricant
throughout mechanism.
Front Cover Seals: The front cover seals
are important in order to reduce the amount of
debris which enters the cassette during non-
operation of the ramp. Inspect seals, clean and
replace if necessary.
Front Seals
Maintenance, Lubrication & Adjustments
Exterior Adjustments
Photo E
Photo F
Photo G
Exterior Maintenance and Lubrication (continued)