What the ac source can do
Generate waveform shapes
♦ Sinewave ♦ Squarewave ♦ Clipped sinewave ♦ User-definable waveforms
Program the output
♦ Phase
Agilent Models 6811B, 6812B, 6813B
program the following additional output
♦ Ac rms voltage ♦ Dc voltage
♦ Distortion ♦ Peak Current limit
♦ Frequency ♦ AC coupling
♦ Voltage and frequency slew rates ♦ Impedance
♦ Rms current limit
Make the following measurements
♦ Ac rms, ac + dc rms voltage
Agilent Models 6811B, 6812B, 6813B
make the following additional
♦ Ac rms, ac + dc rms current;
plus repetitive and non-repetitive peak current
♦ Dc voltage
♦ Real, reactive, and apparent power ♦ Dc current
♦ Harmonic analysis of voltage and current waveforms
giving amplitude, phase, and total harmonic distortion
results of up to the 50th harmonic.
Agilent Model 6834B makes the following
additional measurement:
♦ Triggered acquisition of digitized voltage and current
with extensive post-acquisition calculations
♦ Total power and neutral current