MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
9. Use one of the following methods to list participants in the Predefined
Participants list and add participants to the conference:
• Add participants from the database
• Add participants from the User Template file
To list participants from the database:
a. Click the From database... button to display the list of participants
stored in the database in the Pre-Defined Participants.
If you are not logged into the database, the Database dialog box
New Click this button to define a new participant and add to
the list of participants of this On Going Conference.
You can save the new participant defined by this
method (during the conference definition), in the
database or in the current User Template file that is
listed in the Pre-Defined Participants File box.
If you do not save the new participant's definition in the
database or in the User Template file, the participant’s
properties will be deleted once the On Going
Conference ends.
For a detailed description of participant definition, see
“Defining Participant Properties” on page 2-49.
Table 2-3: Conference Properties - Participants (Continued)
Field/Option Description