
MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Assistance option. When selected, callers must wait for the operator to
connect them to the conference.
In IVR-enabled conferences, in both Attended and Unattended modes, the
participants or meeting organizer can control certain aspects of the
conference. Operator assistance is available upon request.
Unattended Conference
An unattended conference is usually a reservationless conference that is
started by the first participant who connects to the conference. This type of
conference is set up once, to be activated by the participants when required.
Although an operator is not needed for this conference, one can be on hand. In
an unattended conference, it is the conference chairperson who controls all
features and functions of the conference either by means of the touch-tone
telephone, another DTMF input device or through the Internet using the
WebCommander application. Conference participants can perform simple
operations (such as muting or unmuting their lines or modifying their
volumes) from their touch-tone telephone or DTMF input device. Actions
that can be performed by the participants or the chairperson, are defined in the
IVR Service that is assigned to that conference.
Attended Conference
An attended conference is an Operator Assisted conference. It is a service
designed usually for large conferences that require the personal touch. In the
attended conference, the connection to the conference is controlled by the
operator and, in many instances, the operator also takes part in the On Going
Conference. In many attended conferences, the name and the telephone
numbers of each dial-out participant are given to the operator at the time the
reservation is made. This information is used to define the participants prior
to the conference start in the MGC Manager or the WebCommander
applications. Using the enhanced tools for attended participants, the operator
or coordinator organizes the conference call, makes sure all invited
participants are on hand, calls the participants then sees to it that the
conference proceeds according to plan. If the Entry Queue Service assigned to
the Entry Queue used for conference access is set to Attended mode (On Hold
for Operator Assistance), when the participants connect to the Entry Queue,
they are automatically moved to the Participants Queue where they wait for
the operator to connect them to the conference.
In the same way, an IVR Service can be configured to Attended mode. Then
all participants connecting to the conference are automatically moved to the