Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
Select the type of network to be used by the conference
• IP – Only SIP and H.323 participants can join this
Note: This option enables you to select an audio algorithm
specially suited for IP networks.
• IP / ISDN / ATM / MPI / T1-CAS – Participants using all
types of network connections can join this conference.
Remarks Using up to 300 characters, you can enter any text regarding
the conference. This text will be included with the conference
properties and is also saved to the CDR file as part of the
conference record to be retrieved later.
To add a new remark, enter text in the Remarks box, and
then click the Update Remark button.
Note: If the text is too long, split it into several remarks,
updating the text after each remark. At the scheduling stage,
only one remark can be entered. Additional remarks can be
entered during the On Going Conference.
Remarks History Displays all remarks that were entered or updated for this
conference by operators and were saved to the CDR file.
This field can be read during the conference but not at the
reservation stage. Entries are shown in ascending order
(latest entry showing at top of list).
Table 2-1: Conference Properties - General (Continued)
Field/Option Description