
Chapter 5 - Meeting Rooms and Entry Queues
To define Meet Me ISDN/T1-CAS Services:
The conference dial-in phone number can be assigned by the operator, or
automatically by the system. This number is then given to all participants who
will be connecting to that conference.
A single dial-in number that is allocated by the system when the Meeting
Room is saved on the MCU, is derived from the dial-in numbers defined in
the ISDN or T1-CAS Network Service. The phone number assigned by the
system can be viewed in the Status pane of the MGC Manager window, or
when checking the Meeting Room properties.
The list of dial-in numbers assigned to the Meeting Room is displayed in the
Meet-Me Services table. The first column displays the ISDN Network Service
name. The Phone 1 and Phone 2 columns display the first and second phone
numbers assigned to the conference.
If participants in the same conference use different Network Services (such as
two different ISDN Services, or an ISDN and T1-CAS Service), the Meeting
Room can be assigned different phone numbers for each of the Network
Services used by the participants to connect to the conference. In that case,
use the manual allocation method.
Manually Assigning Phone Numbers to the Conference
10. To manually assign a phone number to the conference in the ISDN
Service pane, click the plus button.
You can add T1-CAS dial-in numbers in the same way as ISDN numbers - the T1-
CAS numbers are listed under the ISDN Network Service.
To do so, the MCU must be first configured to allow T1-CAS participants.
The appropriate flag has to be set in the system.cfg file and a T1-CAS Network
Service has to be defined in the system. For more information, see the MGC
Administrator’s Guide, “Defining a T1-CAS Network Service”.
If no dial-in number is defined, the system assigns the MCU number defined in
the ISDN Network Service. If there is no number defined for the MCU in the ISDN
Network Service, the system allocates the first free number in the dial-in numbers
range defined in the ISDN Network Service.